
I have had my eyelashes re-done by Flutter! This time, I didn’t even have to leave the comfort of my own home because lash-expert Nicky came and did them in my living room. She brought a folding bed/table with her and a strong lamp which (as you will see in the video) makes it all look a bit like I’m lying in an operating theatre!

I went for slightly more dramatic lashes than last time, which was rather a gamble because of work and possible makeup-artist-to-model-friction but hey-ho, you only live once! Below are my before and after pictures – as you can see, my lashes are pretty much non-existent naturally, yet the extensions make me look as though I’ve stolen Bambi’s eyelids! (Ugh! What an image, sorry about that!)

Just to re-cap; Flutter lashes are extensions that are glued onto your natural lashes and they do not come off. These aren’t ‘falsies’ or strip-lashes, they’re individual extensions that don’t even touch your skin – you can see in the picture that there’s a miniscule gap between the extension and the eyelid where my natural (blonde) lashes are exposed. The extensions last for the natural cycle of the lash, falling out only when the ‘host lash’ (as I like to call it – too many sci-fi films!) falls out!

My last set of lashes lasted a good eight weeks before they looked odd – you’re supposed to get them infilled every two or three weeks to keep them looking neat and even, but I grew mine out because of work. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the maintenance on these ones! I must say that it’s a lot easier getting someone to come to your house to do it, it feels a lot more chilled out and less of a mission. If you’re thinking of getting lash extensions done then remember that they’re a bit of a commitment if you intend to keep them permanently, but they grow out much more gracefully than you’d expect, so don’t be scared to splash out and get them done for a big occasion!

I have primarily had mine done because I have a very big birthday coming up (I’m going to be eighty-five – don’t I look fab?!) and I want to be a bit glam. I was also missing waking up with lovely lashes – it’s really quite a bizarre-but-lovely experience looking in the mirror first thing and actually looking borderline-acceptable! The only thing that I had forgotten about – and I’m being completely honest here – is that for the first couple of days, if you’re a face-fidget like me, you may find yourself pulling a few out. I can’t stand the feeling of having anything coarse near my eyes, and so unlucky lashes that ‘felt wrong’ came straight out. This is very naughty to admit, and I’m sorry Flutter ladies – I just couldn’t resist!

I’ve made a little video for all of those who have no idea what lash extensions look like – check out my Nip Tuck music, I thought that was a genius touch if I may say so myself. If you fancy some lashes, Flutter are top-notch and I highly recommend them. All of the lash ladies are true experts and will advise you on the best thickness of lash to suit.  Don’t go to some dodgy salon where they’re offering a deal for a tenner – this process takes a lot of time (two hours at least) and there’s just no way it can be done properly in twenty minutes or whatever some of these places offer! Flutter lashes will set you back £180 the first time, and £90 thereafter (every three weeks or so). I’d love to say “what you spend in lashes you’ll save in mascara” but that would be a total lie! If you have a bit of dough spare, though, and want to make a real (non-surgical) difference to your face, then these, as I said back in those balmy August days, are perfect.

The Flutter Website is HERE!

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