Quick Tomato and Buffalo Mozzarella Linguine

recipe for spaghetti with buffalo mozzarella and tomato

Just a little something that I often knock together when I’m starving but can’t be bothered to “properly cook”. This just requires a pan of boiling water and another with some gently heated olive oil. I usually have about 75g of linguine with half a ball of mozzarella (MUST be buffala and not that terrible, plasticky chewy stuff – believe me, you will taste the difference!) and then, to pad it out, a little rocket salad underneath or on the side. Here I had a whole ball of buffalo mozzarella (Tesco’s Finest, the best one from all of the supermarket chains) because I was utterly famished. I could eat the stuff all day long, I have to reign myself in sometimes!

recipe for spaghetti with buffalo mozzarella and tomato

In the olive oil (mild, not extra virgin, as we’re frying here and it’s not too good to overheat the E.V. stuff!) I softened a clove of crushed garlic and added some dried Oregano and a little dried red chilli. The linguine was in the pan of boiling water, it takes ten minutes to cook, so just enough time to make a fresh pasta sauce!

recipe for spaghetti with buffalo mozzarella and tomato

With about five minutes to go, I halved my cherry tomatoes and added them to the oil and garlic and chilli and mooshed them about a bit. I don’t like overcooking them because the skins come off and look weird, so I just soften them up for a few minutes and try not to move them about too much!

recipe for spaghetti with buffalo mozzarella and tomato

Pasta done, drained and into the oily pan for a good toss about with some salt and pepper added. The mozzarella is ripped into chunks over the top and a few basil leaves (these are wilted because I found them at the bottom of the fruit bowl! Ha!) scattered over the plate.

recipe for spaghetti with buffalo mozzarella and tomato

Mmmm. I ate this so fast I got indigestion!

model recipes

For me, this is a total comfort food. I’d prefer to eat this over a Chinese takeaway or Fish ‘n Chips any day of the week! Mr AMR doesn’t agree, he likes a bit of MSG and artificial flavouring, but I just don’t think that flavours can be nicer than the ones straight from nature’s larder. Is that the correct phrase? I have no idea. I’m going to go, now, before I start churning out clichés!

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