Pregnancy Week 21
We have movement! After weeks of feeling around for strange bubblings and “butterflies”, the bubblings and butterflies have come to me! No manipulation of the stomach area necessary. Now that I can feel them, the movements, they happen all the time. I feel as though I’ve swallowed a fish and it’s alive in my stomach, which is possibly a disturbing example, though it would have been more disturbing if I’d said what I really meant which was “I feel like I ate a fish for dinner, and inside my stomach it somehow reassembled itself and started living again”.
Anyway, I have twitchings and strange throbbings and it can all be a bit offputting if you’re sat trying to have a serious conversation with someone. My face must have been a picture yesterday – I was at a skincare press launch trying to look as though I was truly engaged in the presentation when in fact my stomach was jumping about all over the place! What fun. I say that without an ounce of sarcasm: it is fun. I have waited for years for this moment and nothing – not even the “you wait until you start to…” stories that everyone seems intent on telling – will rain on my parade.
Nothing else to report for 21 weeks, though I think that the wriggling and somersaulting is enough. (Baby, not me, obviously. I gave up the gymnastics about – ooh – twenty-six years ago.) Note on maternity jeans, the ones with the “under-bump” elasticated band: they are all crap. I have tried loads now and they all fall down. Last week I got off the tube and by the time I had reached the top of the escalator my whole bottom was out! Luckily I had my parka on, but should a stiff breeze have sprung.. I have decided that leggings are the way forward. High-waisted ones in soft jersey but with good hold on the legs and knees. My ASOS maternity ones aren’t at all bad, but I have NEXT on my list of brands to try so I’ll let you know how I get on with those.
*written at 21 weeks + 3 days