The Pregnancy Diaries: 14 Weeks

14 weeks pregnant

First day without a nap and I wasn’t even that tired! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the second trimester. Is this the short one? I can’t remember…

I feel so much better, which could be partly to do with giving up those bloody vitamins. (See 13 Weeks.) I do wonder whether I’d have had a better time if I’d recognised the whole situation sooner. I’m feeling quite buoyant and positive, maybe because I’m less tired, but also the new nanny has started her two days a week and obviously that has taken the pressure off a bit.

Nothing to report in terms of symptoms apart from the odd stretchy type of pain and two cases of restless leg syndrome. I’m not sleeping brilliantly, though, I wake up quite a lot at the moment. Vivid dreams, which I don’t think helps matters. They linger in my head and sometimes get my day off to a bad start.

Finally I feel as though I want to start eating more stuff – more variety. I’m less desperate, less likely to just dive for the cereal or the bread and more likely to actually think about what I might fancy fuelling myself with. Though I’m sure my appetite is smaller.

You’ll notice that I’ve dispensed with the “early” in my diary title – I think I’m pleased to say that I’m out of the “early pregnancy” stages and into the pregnancy proper. Hurrah! What a relief, though it’s still just the beginning of a long, long journey…

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