Taking A Break

Don’t worry – only for a week! And the posts are pre-scheduled so will still be coming thick and fast! (I’m conscientious like that, you know.) I thought that the double-bank-holiday would be a good time to escape and so escaping I am into a remote wilderness to stay in a cottage with no TV…

Please Read.

I have procrastinated for weeks about posting this up, but after a marathon (very teary) reading session of Sophie Feels Better last night I have decided that now is the time. Sophie Feels Better is a blog written by LOOK magazine’s beauty editor, Sophie Beresiner, but it’s not a typical beauty blog. Sophie was diagnosed…

Model FAQs!

Model FAQs!

So many people email me asking about modelling that I have decided to set up a little section called Model FAQ. I can’t possibly answer all the emails individually, because I simply don’t have the time! Same goes for personal requests for skincare recommendations or shades of makeup for certain skin-tones; I wish that I…