"Outfit of the Yesterday" (March 14th 2011)

A Model Recommends Ruth CrillyYes, yes, I know it’s supposed to be “Outfit of the Day” or “OOTD” in Yoof-speak, but I wore this yesterday and I don’t want to lie. In the words of Nessa from Gavin and Stacey, “I won’t lie to you”… this is what I wore yesterday. Just in case you’re remotely interested. If you’re not, then feel free to tune out, skip to the next post, hum yourself a little ditty, make yourself a cup of tea.

So. Above, ‘Model Wears’ her favourite J-Brand jeans. High-waisted, infinitely forgiving should you feel the need to indulge in a curry-fest whilst wearing skinny jeans. These stretch. Once they reach maximum stretch capacity you can always undo the zip, so long as you have the top of your jeans covered with a long tee-shirt. (Why, oh why am I telling you all of this?!)

Tucked into the high-waisted J-Brands we have: a cotton shell top from Topshop. They have them in there at the moment, they look like this:

topshop basic shell charcoal

This is the Basic Shell top in Charcoal, £10. They do them in loads of colours and they’re a great staple to have around. Soft, flattering on the chest..

Over the tee there’s a rather funky blue leopard print cardy that was from House of Fraser a year ago. One of my biggest fashion regrets of last year was not buying two or three of these, especially since I shrunk mine by washing it too hot. And even more especially since they were only thirty quid reduced from something a lot higher.

Boots? Belstaff. Old. But I wear them all the time. They used to be black and now I’d say that they’re dark grey, or, to be a bit more fash-un about it, ‘vintaged black’.

a model recommends ruth crillyMakeup here is: Becca Tinted Moisturiser in Camel, Shimmering Skin Perfector in Pearl, Concealer in Tahini. MAC Zoomlash in Zoomblack, and Kohl in Smolder. Lips, Darphin Lip Balm. Hair, as you can probably tell, has no product in it whatsoever and hasn’t been touched with a hairbrush for days. I call it the ‘effortless and carefree’ look, but you can call it what it really is if you like, which is just LAZY.

Oh yes – watch is by Rolex. I feel like a tit putting that in but people always ask, so I’m pre-empting the questions. I’ve had it for about six years and I wear it every day, so it’s not so much of a fashion statement as just..well..my watch that I tell the time on!


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