Operation Go!
Next week, ladies and gentle-beans, sees the beginning of Operation Go! No, that’s not the secret that I am so diligently keeping from you, so don’t get all over-excited – Operation Go! is basically me, getting my ass in gear and doing some serious exercise. I must must must get back into the Gym Habit (that’s not like a monk’s habit, by the way – I’d look funny on the treadmill in one of those! Ahhhhhhhhhhh-men!) which is proving to be much more difficult than I thought it would be. For the following reasons:
1) Work
2) Work
3) Work.
With this new super-project (project Ssshhh to regular readers) taking up every minute of the day, it’s hard to even conceive when I would find the time to make it down to Cannon Street and my lovely, on-the-river Nuffield Health gym. But I must! I must make an effort, or it’s one big gigantic waste of money – and, more importantly, my arse is going to start expanding at an alarming rate if it doesn’t start seeing some serious movement! (Don’t be childish.)
So – are we doing this together, people? Operation Go? Any Americans reading? Can we get a ‘HELL YEAH’?