New Year’s Resolutions
I know that lots of people hate new year’s resolutions, but personally I find them quite useful. I rarely actually stick to them, but writing a list makes me evaluate the year that has passed and think about what I’d like to change for the forthcoming one. So here we go – some of the highly personal ones have been left out for obvious reasons, but I’ll give you the first one, just for a laugh.
1) Stop examining my face in the mirror to check for signs of ageing. It’s not going to actually stop me from ageing, so it’s pointless. We all do it, surely? (Please tell me we all do?) But it is pointless. I mean, I slather on just about every cream known to man, I don’t smoke, I try not to smile during daylight hours, I spend much of the day not moving my face at all… What more can I do? Have myself cryongenically frozen?
2) Stop browsing the internet for bargains. I get utterly, utterly obsessed with things on the internet. Some of them are useful (investment pieces, marvellous beauty buys) but many are things that I never end up purchasing and have wasted hours researching. I suppose to a certain extent I could call this browsing ‘work’, but only to a certain extent…and my browsing definitely crosses the ‘work’ line!
3) Stop being so hard on myself. I am ultra-critical. About everything. I always have been, so I can’t imagine it changing now, but I feel I can make an effort to relax a little. Can’t I? I have a panic attack if I watch television (should be doing something constructive) and – crikey – you should see inside my brain if I meet a friend for lunch! All my mind is chanting is: “why are you relaxing? You can relax when you’re dead!” Not good.
4) Stop Grinding Teeth. OK, this is the kind of thing that Mr AMR will no doubt find too personal for me to be posting on t’internet, but hey-ho. Teeth-grinding. I have taken it up as a sport, non-intentionally. Probably because of the stress induced by my high standards (see resolution 3) but also because I have weird teeth positioning that means they are always rubbing together. Do not fear, for I have a mouthguard! I had a mould made and it fits perfectly – I have yet to wear it, however, because I don’t want to scare Mr AMR. I tend to chatter away right up until the moment I fall asleep, and I can’t talk with it in, so….. Suggestions?!
5) Write more words! I don’t mean on here (although you know how much I love writing for you!) I mean for my MA. Some of you may not know that I’m currently doing a Masters’ degree in English (Creative Writing), but I am! My routine, however, is shoddy at best. Because I have to film videos and do bits and bobs for A Model RecommendsI, I never seem to schedule in enough time for my fiction writing. This must change – I need to get more organised! I have purchased three wall calendars and am currently writing various schedules and lists onto each one – it’s a list-maker’s dream chez moi at the moment!
OK, those are the main ones. This is actually the same list that I have written in my personal diary, so I hope you feel privileged! Ha. I’m sure I’ll think of more things as the week goes by (don’t spend so much on clothes, get up before 1pm, yadda yadda yadda) but for now this is good enough for me.
I feel as though I’ve achieved quite a lot in 2011 – A Model Recommends gets something in the region of 15,000 views a day now, and I like to think that it’s hard work that has got me there! Obviously there’s also intense enjoyment – that helps. I love writing and getting feedback, it’s the most satisfying feeling. So thanks to you all for your wonderful feedback! Here’s to 2012 – it is going to be a great year for everyone, I can feel it in my bones!
(P.S. I nicked the cartoon image from – I do hope they don’t mind. A nice big link-back should soften the blow…)