New Commenting System and “Mini Forums”
You may have noticed (hopefully it’s up and running by now!) that there’s a new commenting system here on A Model Recommends. It’s a lot more efficient and interactive than the old one and so I hope, once you’ve used it a couple of times, that you like it. Instead of having to leave a whole load of information every time you comment, after one initial login you can just type away and press send! If you’re on your iPhone or home computer and you’re already logged into Twitter or Facebook or your Google account then you don’t need to give any extra information at all. The Disqus system will just ask you (once) for permission to post from that account and away you go. If you don’t have Twitter, Facebook or Google you can comment via Disqus itself, it will ask you (once!) for your name and email (email won’t be displayed) and then it will remember you whenever you return to comment.
I am HOPING, fingers crossed, that this will provide a faster, more interactive way of commenting and chatting to one another. I will have a moderator, but the comments won’t be on approval so I guess that this relies on people not spamming or swearing. Spam is taken care of already, actually, but please don’t swear – I worry for the younger ears and eyes amongst us!
Disqus will make it easier to reply to one another rather than having to wait an age for me to approve everything, so in effect we can create little mini-forums on each post. The downside to this is that it may make me a little slower on the uptake in getting back to questions and it’s more likely that I’ll see a comment left on the most recent post rather than leaving one on a post way back, if that makes sense? If there are any teething problems, we’ll iron them out sharpish!
Let’s see how we get on. And…….GO!