Narciso Musc Oil Parfum: 90% Cashmere
I’m about to be a total tease because Narciso Musc Oil isn’t really available online, it’s more of a “try and find it instore” sort of job. But wearing this for the past few weeks has reminded me how much I absolutely adore the Eau de Parfum version of Narciso and – luckily – that one is widely available, both in the shops and online.
Really, there’s not a massive difference between the Musc Oil and Parfum and, were I to be particularly nit-picky, the perfume spray is a lot easier to apply than trying to dab an oil from an open-necked bottle. Some say that a perfume oil will last longer on the skin, but I don’t find that to be particularly true – though I do get a stronger hit of all of the perfume notes from the moment I apply the oil, whereas with the spray it takes a while to snuggle down on the skin and develop that sexy warmth that’s so characteristic of the Narciso scent.
Read my post on Narciso Eau de Parfum…
Whichever version tickles your fancy, I’d say you should definitely give this a try if you like warm, sexy-but-comforting scents. It’s 10% intense sultriness but about 90% cashmere. It has that expensive sort of softness that still smells good on your clothes three days after you’ve spritzed it. It’s chic, with its musk and its cedar base but adds a touch of pretty with some rose and white gardenia. Overall it’s just beautifully balanced and wearable – you’ll love it if you want your fragrance to be grown-up but unstuffy. There are no overpowering florals, here, and the musk is understated and delicately done. Feminine but not girly. Sensual but not overtly “come hither”. You could wear it to seduce, but you wouldn’t feel awkward meeting the in-laws. It’s the olfactory equivalent of a Burberry pencil skirt and a fine-knit tee, not a mini dress worn with “ouvert” pants* .
Please. Somebody stop me.
You can find the Eau de Parfum at here* – prices start at £33.15 for the 30ml, but value-for-money increases along with the bottle size. The Musc Oil will need more hunting down – try your nearest large department store, let me know if you find it.
*look it up