Nail Rock at ASOS

I spent a lovely evening at ASOS last week, perusing the exclusive Christmas goodies, drinking fizzy wine and eating cakes on sticks. More on that in a later post when I’ve had time to gather my thoughts – for now, please be seated for an important announcement: if you like your nails fun and funky, a tad different, a smidgen ‘eyecatching’, then I may have just the thing for you!

Nail Rock is a range of brilliant nail wraps – rather like stickers or transfers – that you simply apply using the heat from a hairdryer. They come in some amazing designs – from outrageous oversized animal print to very chic grey snakeskin – and are an easy and cheap way to transform plain fingernails for a big night out or special event. What I loved about the wraps was the speed and convenience of application. Granted, I had Zoe Pocock  (general nail genius) applying mine and she was lightening-fast, but even so I reckon that you could apply these yourself in about twenty minutes. There’s a bit of filing to be done once the heat has fixed them to your nail, but that looked as though it wouldn’t be too much of a strain! Each pack contains enough wraps for fingers and toes – if you were a bit clever, your ‘toe’ wraps could probably last for three, even four different applications. Unless you’re BigFoot.

Take a little look at my short video showing the Nail Rock wraps being applied and the finished result! I have two packs of these to give away, and so if you’d like a set, leave your name and email in the comments section of this post. You must be a follower (Google Friend or Email Subscriber) but you can live anywhere in the world that has a postal address! I’ll pick two winners with my number randomizer on the 25th October 2010.

Nail Rock can be bought at ASOS for £6.50 per pack.

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