My Bronzer Brush
If you’ve been watching my bronzer video reviews over the past few months, you may have noticed that I use a rather battered looking brush. The paint has come off on the handle, the metal is tarnished, bristles constantly fall out and stick to my face in a very undignified manner… Why do I still use it? Because I love it!
It’s an oversized powder brush from Prescriptives (alas, no longer available!) and I have use it every day for seven years. Seven years! Can you believe it? Obviously I have tried other brushes, but somehow this one just seems as though it does a better job; it’s the perfect size (large!) for someone like me who applies their bronzer in big haphazard swooshes – it contours my face perfectly and effortlessly.
So, in case you were wondering why I used such a manky tool in my videos – that’s why. Perhaps I should start looking for a posher one – for the sake of appearances! Do let me know your suggestions…