Moxie. For scanty panties.
Bet you never thought that a panty liner would make it onto this page, did you? Well it has!
I’m recommending Moxie’s ‘scanty panty’ liners because they are cute and beautifully packaged as well as being ultra-thin and discreet. Feminine hygiene products are never going to be ‘must-have’ items, or sought-after, glamorous accessories, but Moxie have managed to make their products pretty enough to actually leave out on the dressing table or bathroom shelf.
There’s no reason why a functional, practical product shouldn’t also look pretty; even if nobody else is going to see it, it’s nice to have something that’s easy on the eye! Moxie have packaged their whole range in lovely ‘boudoir’ inspired boxes and wrappers. I particularly love the tin that comes with the liners; it looks as though it could be a powder compact or a tin of mints! The tin holds ten individually wrapped liners and is perfect for taking with you when you travel. It’s free inside the box of liners!
Moxie liners don’t cost any more than average, with a box of 24 (including the lovely tin!) coming in at £1.99. If you hurry to Sainsbury’s, they’re on offer at £1.49!