More Crazy Trousers and £50 off some Brilliant Shoes!
More crazy-print trousers; these are from Topshop here. Benefits of the crazy trouser include: being able to drop food on yourself without anyone really noticing; being easily spottable in a crowd; being able to chuck on what is, in actual fact, a very casual trouser shape and still look as though you’ve made some effort. You can see the full outfit in the quick-as-you-like video clip below, which you can also open in a new window if you’re reading via email. With regards to the other items of clothing; the blouse you will already be familiar with, it’s from Hush. The shoes you will also recognise, they are LK Bennett. I just checked stock and saw that LK Bennett have £50 off many of their court shoes, so if you were dithering then now is the time. They have the Fae courts and also the Jennie black and white shoes, which are the best shoes in the world, ever.
Click here to watch the video on Youtube. By the way, this was filmed outside a lovely hotel in Tuscany called Poggio Piglia. I was reviewing it for Mr & Mrs Smith – I’ll let you know when the review comes out.