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Monica & Joe’s Fashion Week In!

It’s Vogue’s Fashion Week In this week and there are loads of great things happening! I teamed up with online fashion store Monica & Joe to pick out some festive dresses. Well, it was supposed to be festive dresses but I did end up getting distracted by the beautiful faux furs from Stella Forest. There’s an amazing little fur-collared bomber jacket that you’ll see in the video – I want! Unfortunately my ‘life sponsored by Amex’ is slightly on hold at the moment as I had to put my uni fees on my credit card (damn you, education!) but just as soon as I find me some dough, I’m snapping up that little faux-fur beauty!

Take a look at my video with its funky jazz soundtrack – we filmed in Bistro du Vin in Soho (very nice in there, by the way – just in case you’re thinking of places to go for an evening tipple!) so you may hear some strange noises in the background! Please do feel free to leave a comment re dress choice – I’m thinking that I may treat myself to dress number three, the red one. That seems to be the general consensus from the Youtube viewers, too, but I value your opinions! I do quite like having this virtual sounding board every time I go shopping – it’s like having a load of friends with me in the changing room, except that they don’t get bored and start moaning about how long I’m taking!

You can find all of the items I wear on the Monica & Joe website: http://monicaandjoe.co.uk

UPDATE: they have 30% off on coats today! Eeeek. May have to make a begging call to American Express! The ‘Vision Noir’ hollywood faux-fur is incredible! http://monicaandjoe.co.uk/products/coat-fake-vison-noir

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