Model FAQs!
So many people email me asking about modelling that I have decided to set up a little section called Model FAQ. I can’t possibly answer all the emails individually, because I simply don’t have the time! Same goes for personal requests for skincare recommendations or shades of makeup for certain skin-tones; I wish that I could respond to each and every question, but even if I had full-time help (which I don’t) I wouldn’t even get through a fraction of the requests!
So I am going to be posting up advice on the modelling industry. How to get an agent, what the ‘requirements’ are for a good working model, how to avoid the pitfalls and things to be a bit wary of. I hope that this helps some of the hundreds of girls who have emailed in, and for the rest of you it might provide an interesting insight into the world of fashion modelling. I’l’ try and post as frequently as I can on this subject, but please be patient – if you haven’t seen your topic come up yet then wait a little while before leaving a comment with your request!