Model Diets, Breakfasts and Orange Juice.

by | Nov 30, 2012

food vlog

I’ve always had lots of questions asked of me regarding my diet and eating habits – people do tend to assume that there’s some kind of secret formula that models follow that keeps them slim! There is, and it’s called, simply, eating a reasonably healthy and balanced diet. Plus a bit of exercise… And yes, insert all of those clichés and worn old jokes about models not eating and only drinking champagne and smoking fags – there are some models who subscribe to that way of life, as there are women in any walk of life who do (I can think of at least three women, off the top of my head, who smoke and drink Diet Coke voraciously and eat very little, and non of them are models!) – but most get their honed limbs and glowing skin through good diet and some kind of exercise regime. No word of a lie – sorry to dispel any myths, there!

OK, so here’s what I tend to eat for breakfast. The easily-bored should turn away now, because it’s not that exciting in all honesty! But I wanted to do a series of videos on things that I eat regularly, just to show that there’s no secret formula and no you don’t have to live on peeled grapes in order to be slim. In my opinion, the sillier the diet, the less likely you’ll be able to stick to it.

If you want to be in with a chance of winning a six-month supply of Tropicana Orange Juice, then please click through to the Youtube channel and leave a comment – you must be subscribed to the Youtube channel to enter, rules and all that! Here goes with some breakfast chat – warning: close-ups of eggs and bagels and so on. If you have any food phobias, be prepared to close your eyes. I only say this because my sister-in-law can’t look at ketchup, and a friend of mine can’t look at egg whites. So!

If you can’t see the video then please click here.


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