Model Beauty Saviour: Clarins Sun Wrinkle Control Eye Contour Care
For a model (especially if the model does lingerie), sunburn is a bit of a disaster. Although modern retouching techniques can magic away just about anything (including the remotest hint of personality, or distinctive and unique features such as gaps in teeth) it’s just bad news all round when you turn up to a job looking as though you’ve just spent the night with your face stuck to an iron. (Anecdote: my cousin met a man who had ironed his shirt collar, because it was creased, but hadn’t had the foresight to take the shirt off first. He still had quite terrible burns to the side of his neck. And to the other side of his neck, too, which obviously my cousin felt the need to question. For what man can be so unlucky to suffer such a horrific burn (albeit stupidly self-inflicted), only to then be burnt again by some dreadful stroke of misfortune? I’ll tell you: the man who then noticed (whilst screaming, I would imagine) that the other side of his collar was creased, and then ironed that side. That’s who.)
Back to business: sun protection. Yes, I know I’m a little obsessed by it, but when you rely on your looks to pay the mortgage, you can’t be too careful! My Model Beauty Saviour today was Clarins Eye Contour Care – an anti-wrinkle, high protection cream with SPF30. It’s nice to have a sun-cream specifically for the eyes, don’t you think? The eye area can get overlooked when it comes to sun-care; some people don’t like to apply cream too close to their eyes, others think that their sunglasses will provide all the necessary protection…but I think it’s important to treat this very fragile area even more carefully than the rest of the face. The Clarins Wrinkle Control cream has been formulated for the delicate eye area and so it feels light and gentle and is easily absorbed. I love the fact that I can lie back and soak up some Vitamin D knowing that my sun protection is beavering away, hopefully stopping those Early Wrinkles from coming out to play!
Clarins Sun Wrinkle Control Eye Contour Care (SPF30), £16