Missing Bear and the Hansel & Gretel House…

hansel and gretel house

1) Just to fill you in on where I’m at with life: I’ve moved. Not through choice, necessarily, but because my house is being stripped out, renovated and extended. All at once. I petitioned to be left in residence, just my desk and computer left in situ like some kind of workspace island in a sea of debris and builders’ bums, but “everyone involved” thought it best that I enjoyed the remainder of my pregnancy in peace and without the risk of steelwork falling down on my head. So here we are – family AMR, minus Mr Bear the cat – in our little barn in the middle of absolute nowhere. No phone reception, shaky internet – it’s a wonder I haven’t lost my marbles and it’s only been a week!

farm life

This is the view from my spare bedroom window (picture of spare room above, it makes me think of the little house that Hansel and Gretel might have lived in!): I am literally on a farm! Keep an ear out for sounds of mooing in my upcoming videos..

mr bear the british shorthair cat

2) I wanted to clarify that Mr Bear has not gone on his holidays because I’m pregnant: he’s had to be temporarily moved because we couldn’t find a single short-term let that allowed cats and that had availability. Actually, there was one, but it was 53 miles away. Not ideal. So Mr Bear is currently enjoying the undivided attention that my parents are no doubt giving him – apparently his favourite game is playing chase up and down the stairs and he shouts at them if they don’t join in! I’ve asked my Mum to send a weekly Mr Bear picture so that we can keep the Sunday Tittle Tattle tradition alive – the first one is above. Sleeping on the windowsill above the kitchen sink.

Read more Sunday Tittle Tattle posts… 

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