Massive Thanks – and Apologies…
Just a quickie to say a massive thank you to everyone who voted for me in the Youtube contest. Results come in (inexplicably!) on the 30th July, so I shall be on holiday when they do, but will be sure to have my laptop on and waiting!
I’m sorry to all of those who heard me banging on about the contest over and over again – those who follow on Twitter and Facebook and Youtube as well as here on the site must have wanted to press the mute button on me! So my most sincere apologies – I promise that I wouldn’t have kept repeating myself unless for a good cause. And it worked, because when voting closed I was 1,600 votes up on my nearest competitor, so here’s hoping that I win. Apparently a board of judges look at your video content and number of views, too – and lots of you watch the videos, so thanks for that as well. You lovely bunch.