Those in the UK (and probably worldwide, I should think) will have seen coverage of the London riots on television, heard about them on the radio or read about them in the papers. I sincerely hope that all of you are safe and well. As an East-Londoner I’m pretty worried and stressed about the whole thing myself, but I have made an executive decision to keep my posts coming to you as scheduled. I usually write a week or so in advance (only way to do it with so many different bits of content to produce!) and so if anything seems slightly irrelevant (the most expensive makeup brush in the world, for example!) then my apologies. If you need up-to-date info on the riots then there are far more appropriate sites than this one and I’ll leave it to them to do the reporting. This doesn’t, by any stretch of the imagination, mean that I don’t care about the riots (London is my home, after all!), it just means that there are people more qualified to write about it, who have better sources of information than…er…Twitter. The amount of false information and semi-philisophical statements doing the rounds on Twitter is doing my brains in, so this is me saying:
If you’re barricaded into your homes, (as I am, with enough tinned goods to last a year!) to relieve boredom you can chat online at The Forum. I’ll probably be on there later in between visits to the roof with my huge binoculars.