Liz Earle Vital Oils Candle – Harmony

by | Feb 1, 2011

Liz Earle Vital Oils Candle - HarmonySorry to any of you who couldn’t think of anything less interesting than reading about a candle, but the fragrance of this one just did something a little odd to me. Now I know that I’ve harped on about this fragrance/memory phenomenon before, where you smell something and it triggers something off in your brain, but I can’t be the only one that this happens to, surely?

Liz Earle’s Harmony candle literally picked me up and transported me back about twenty five years – I can’t put my finger on what the fragrance reminds me of exactly, but I have a funny feeling that it was something in the Christmas box. Or my Grandad. One or the other. It’s a lovely smell, anyway – and this is the tiniest candle you’ll probably ever see. It’s only 5cm high! Unfortunately the price isn’t quite as tiny – £8.95 for a 7 hour burn time – but it’s worth it for that trip down Scent Memory Lane. For me, at least.

It’s quite possible that I may have to buy the matching Aromatherapy Bath Oil, so I’ll let you know how I get on with that. It may turn out to be sensory overload and blow some kind of fuse in my brain that turns me back into a five year old permanently. Only time will tell. You probably wouldn’t notice a difference anyhow.

Harmony Candle, £8.95 from Liz Earle.


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