Lierac Soin Éclat Express – Masque Lifting

I had a reader (Pluto) ask me if I had tried the ‘Stimulating and firming beauty lift mask’ from Lierac and I hadn’t. Pluto was thinking of buying this mask instead of Sisley’s Express Flower Gel and I said that I would try and test it out so that I could compare the two and advise. Well I am pleased to say that I have tested it out, and I am now about to compare the two masks, and advise! Here goes.

The Lierac ‘Masque Lifting’ is a cool, clear gel that feels instantly refreshing when applied to the skin. Like the Sisley mask, it is intended that the mask is left on the skin and not rinsed off – makeup is applied over the top. The difference between the two, first of all, is that with the Sisley mask, you must wait for a few minutes (I leave five to ten) before gently dabbing away residue and applying makeup directly. The Lierac absorbs instantly and cream (moisturiser) may be applied immediately, followed by makeup. So, the difference: the Sisley mask doesn’t need a moisturiser afterwards, the Lierac does. (See slight stickiness point, below.)

The Lierac is incredibly tightening and firming – you can physically feel your skin lifting, which is rather weird! It leaves skin rather sticky for a little while and personally I’d wait for this tackiness to dry before applying moisturiser. The overall result is very firmed and toned skin that feels cool and refreshed. This is an amazing morning pick-me-up treatment!

It’s very different from the Sisley Express Flower Gel though – it’s quite astringent and quickly absorbed. The feeling is similar to when you sweep a very fresh and cool toner across your skin. The Flower Gel, on the other hand, manages to hydrate and repair the skin as well as provide that refreshed sensation. Whereas the Lierac is a cool sharp shock, the Sisley continues to work away at the skin throughout the day helping to eradicate signs of fatigue and damage.

It’s sometimes quite difficult to compare a very expensive product with one that is less so, because the ingredients and/or effects can be so different . On the ‘face’ of it (sorry!) the two masks in question seem to promise similar things – refreshed, ‘rescued’ skin, but in reality they are performing different tasks. The Lierac is an instant facelift – a toning mask, if you like. It’s brilliant, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. I’m also shocked at the price – at £19 it’s way cheaper than I expected it to be, and it has confirmed for me that Lierac, without a shadow of a doubt, make excellent products.

I’m wary, though, of saying that it’s a ‘cheaper version’ of the Sisley Express Flower Gel – it’s not. It tightens, it tones, it lifts, it makes tired faces look instantly rejuvenated – but it doesn’t hydrate and repair. With the Sisley mask you are paying (a lot!) extra for different benefits – intense hydration being the most important of these. It’s a concentrated hit of active moisturising ingredients to help treat very dehydrated skin, ingredients that work over a longer period of time to give that ‘refreshed and rejuvenated’ look.

I hope that this doesn’t seem as though I’m sitting on the fence here, but I think that  I’ll leave the buying decisions up to you! The Lierac is infinitely more affordable at £19 (Sisley is £72.50 now at John Lewis) and it’s a stunning product, but if you have the cash to flash…buy both. Seriously. The Lierac is definitely going to be a staple product in my ‘tired mornings’ routine from now on!

This mask is available for £16.15 with free delivery HERE at FeelUnique.


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