Lancome Effacernes Concealer

by | Mar 20, 2010

I am always on the hunt for a good concealer. It has to be easy to apply so that it doesn’t drag the skin beneath my eyes, it has to last all day, and it needs to be something that can be applied ‘on-the-go’ – ie, without the need for a brush!

I have been using Lancome’s Effacernes Concealer for a couple of weeks and have put it to the test a number of times:
1) Crying at the start of Up when the old lady dies
2) Crying solidly for the last twenty minutes of Up
3) Walking down Oxford Street, in the rain, without an Umbrella
4) Eight spinning sessions at the gym
5) One ‘Body Pump’ (don’t ask) session at the gym.
The results? Well, waterproof it ain’t, but then I wasn’t expecting it to be. What I was expecting from the description on the tube was a concealer that is long-lasting and hydrating, and it really does live up to its promises. Gorgeously soft and smooth to apply, it doesn’t drag the skin and you can apply by gently patting in with your ring finger, no brush necessary. It is long-lasting – it still looks fresh at the end of the working day, and it doesn’t begin to sink into fine lines and creases around the eyes. It doesn’t cope well with crying, but then what would? It stuck through the gym sessions, however, like a true trooper. All in all, tres bien Lancome!


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