Korres Watermelon Tinted Moisturiser
Oops! This review has been up on my Youtube channel for almost two weeks, and it completely slipped my mind that I needed to actually write a post about it! I think that pretty much everything I want to say about it is covered in the video; but for those of you who can’t watch that (there are a surprising number of people who don’t have speakers on their computers, I have found out!) here’s a little summary:
Amazing smell (if you like the smell of watermelon!), oil free, absolute bestseller on zuneta.com. Incredibly light texture, but once applies dries very fast and sets into an unmovable layer that doesn’t shift all day. (If I was blind testing this product, I would be tempted to put it in the foundation category rather than tinted moisturiser, as the coverage is quite full, but the formula is moisturising… a difficult one, this!) Has an SPF of 30, which is impressive. Colour (Medium/Honey) was lovely and warming on my skin. Watch the video to see how it looked!
Watermelon Tinted Moisturiser by Korres, £18 -from Zuneta.com. Click HERE to buy!