The “12 Days of Kindle” Sale: My Top Picks
Books aren’t something that immediately come to mind when I think of the January sales, but a kind reader brought the Amazon “12 Days of Kindle” event to my attention. Hundreds of books, including bestsellers and new releases, starting at 99p. I’ve been on a bit of a splurge and now have enough novels downloaded onto my Kindle to last me for at least the next six months! My top three picks:
1) The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri. I’ve seen so many good reviews written about this Pulitzer Prize-winning author and she’s been on my “to read” list for quite some time. I’ll be getting started on this over the weekend… It’s £1.49 here.
2) The End of Alice by A.M. Holmes. OK, I picked this one just for the cover image. It stood out amongst the twee chic-lit pastels. But no sooner had I pressed buy on my one-click than I read some of the reviews and…er…the blurb…and I have to say that I’m now slightly apprehensive about ever starting it. You can read the reviews for yourself – it may not be your cup of tea either! Page is here. Has anyone read this novel? What did you make of it? Anyone read anything else by A.M. Holmes? (I actually see that there’s quite a lot by this author in the sale. I’m not sure whether that’s a positive thing or not…)
3) Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury: I’ve read lots of Ray Bradbury but never this one. I’m very much looking forward to it, though I may save it for my next American roadtrip. I like to have geographically appropriate reading materials when I travel! It’s £1.99 here.
Lastly, there’s a novel that I didn’t buy in the sales because I already own it: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. You must read this if you haven’t already! It’s so touching and the story stays with you for a long time after you’ve finished the book. You’ll want to return to it again and again – it’s short but sweet and incredibly thought-provoking. £1.99 here.
Your own recommendations in the comments, please, if you have any – there are still a few days of the sale left and I’m keen to add to my collection!