Kicking my Diet Coke habit…

diet coke badLadies and Gentlemen, I have a (not-so) massive announcement to make: I am kicking my Diet Coke habit. I have just had to scrap the majority of this post, unfortunately, because I realised that I could potentially be shooting myself in the foot with an arrow the size of a small tree trunk. As modelling is my main (only!) source of income, there are certain clients that I simply can’t afford to antagonise. Once I become some kind of millionaire internet entrepreneur, things will be different!

So for now, let’s just say that I wasn’t comfortable with the amount of DC I was drinking, so I have banished it from my life. Perhaps I’ll have the odd one (let’s not be too ridiculous about this!) but I shall be eschewing my daily fix and instead drinking copious amounts of tap water. Which is recycled wee with added chemicals. You just can’t win.

Very exciting health and fitness news coming up this month. I get scores of emails daily asking about my health, diet and fitness routine and I have been holding off talking about this because I wanted to ensure that I approached it in a totally responsible way. There’s so much bad press around models and their diets and sizes, yet I have always had a healthy BMI and approach to diet.  I didn’t want to get drawn into huge arguments that didn’t apply to me, when all I wanted to do was share some useful information. But I have done some careful thinking, and this month shall see the launch of a HUGE new section on A Model Recommends. I’m very excited about it.

Watch this space.

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