How to Wear Pastels? With some Grumpy Animal!
Fashion website Motilo* have a competition running, if you fancy winning yourself a £100 shopping spree. Every week they are presenting a different style challenge, asking people to solve the age-old dilemma of “what to wear” and this week’s dilemma is: how the bloody heck are you supposed to wear pastels? Without looking like a) a dinnerlady or b) someone who has faded all of their clothes on the “boil” setting of their washing machine? (Done that one before!)
I’m not immediately drawn to pastel-coloured clothes, mainly for the reasons detailed above, but also because I think that my skintone looks a bit wan and weedy without something more substantial next to it. Mind you, the same could be said for wearing black, or white: I suppose we all have our shades that suit as and those that make us look as though we’ve been living in an underground hideaway for a year.
So, pastels. I have gone for something bold to offset the prettiness of the pink and accessorised my Topshop sweater with a bit of animal attitude; the now-famous leopard print Topshop skirt (seven quid! SEVEN QUID!) and an angry pussycat. Actually, he’s not angry, that’s his default expression when it comes to photocall time. He goes completely limp as if to say, “do your worst, woman. I am retiring my mind to its special, happy place, somewhere only I can reach.” I also popped on a bit of bronzer, but not too much – you want healthy, glowing skin, not the stark contrast of pastel-on-tan, which can look a bit Teen goes to Malaga for the First Time.
If you have something pastel-toned and know a good way to wear it, then take a photograph of yourself for Instagram (this is commonly known as a “selfie” these days, but the word makes me want to barf for some reason) and tag it #fashiondilemma so that Motilo can see it. Make sure you’re following @Motilo on Instagram so that you can check back to see if you have won – the competition this week closes at 12pm on the 25th February.
My personal tips for wearing pastels, if you’re interested, have sprung forth from various sartorial disasters – both my own and those of others. They are quite simple, really. 1) Try to get a bit of print into the mix. Colour-blocking with pastels can make you look like an ice-cream sundae. 2) Don’t do pastel top with black skirt or trousers, it’s just a weird, weird combo. The best pastel-wearing I’ve seen has been when people have clashed it up a bit – something interesting and colourful to offset the prettiness. If in doubt, a bit of faded denim never goes amiss – it just has that rough-and-readiness that you require without being too dark a contrast.
And your own tips? Pray share! Are there any seasoned pastel wearers out there? Anyone who wears only pastels? I saw a fabulous lady the other day in head-to-toe pastel with pastel pink hair! Not for the faint of heart…
Topshop Sweater is here
Topshop skirt was in the sale, I can’t find it online now!
*this is a sponsored post for Motilo’s #fashiondilemma competition. If you want to check out their website it’s here – I’ve had quite an extensive browse, now, and I like what they’re doing. There’s a “dilemma” posted up (such as “What do I Wear to the World Cup?”) and then users give their suggestions. I like this idea a lot, especially as all of my stylist friends are sick to death of me calling them at random times for fashion help!