Harajuku Lovers Wicked Style

by | Oct 17, 2010

Sorry, but how cool is this perfume bottle? I think that this would make a great gift, especially for girls (and ladies!) who are into their KAWAII! accessories and trinkets. The whole Tokyo Style Craze is one that seems to have endless appeal in the UK – you only have to look at “Hello Kitty” to see quite how powerful the whole cartoon/cute/pink/fluffy idea is for branding.

Harajuku Lovers Wicked Style in ‘Baby’ is my pick-of-the-bunch fragrance to buy for those awkward daughters-of-friends/nieces/sisters/grand-daughters/best friends (see, I’ve covered all possible age brackets there – I’m so accommodating!). It makes a much more special and interesting present than the usual bottle of same-old fragrance, and it’s a collectible trinket as well as a fragrance! Mine is sat at the edge of my desk, looking as though she is about to do a Kamikaze dive into the waste paper basket, but nevertheless looks very cute. One word of warning; the head is fuzzy and therefore likes to collect dust. My Harajuku ‘Baby’ has a layer of grey fluff and looks a bit like a granny with a two-tone dye-job.

You’ll want to know about the fragrance, I suppose, but can I just say that once you’ve gifted this and the recipient has cooed, “ooooh! Soooo cuuuuute and cooool!” – or, if they’re a teenager: “oh. It’s, like, so cute? And cool?” – do you really care what it smells like? Boots describe it as a vanilla scent, and it is pretty sweet and vanillary. I would say that you can almost visualise the scent just by looking at the above photo. It smells exactly how it looks. Cute. Anyway, one to pop on the Christmas (sorry! ouch!) list to take care of those people who can’t be fobbed off with the old shower-gel-and-body-lotion set.

Harajuku Lovers in ‘Baby’, £20 from Boots. Keen kids (I sound like I’m about ninety today!) can create computer avatars out of their dolls on www.hlfragrance.com. Bonus.


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