Happy New Year!
Thoughts on resolutions anyone? I can’t actually move my body at present, due to a little ‘overexcitement’ last-night-stroke-this-morning. So perhaps my first one will be ‘know when to stop drinking.’ My second is to swear less – not in general, just in inappropriate situations, such as meetings and dinners. Sometimes I wonder whether I might have Tourette Syndrome. (F*CK!)
A short, and perhaps lame post today, considering it’s such an important day – but one has to take time out now and then, and today is that day. So enjoy; take a walk, play Monopoly, watch some films snuggled on the sofa, prepare for the new year ahead. It’s going to be a good one – I can feel it in my bones…oh, no, wait… I can’t actually. I can’t feel very much at all.
Seriously, though – there are loads of amazing things coming up – new features and surprise bits and pieces, some of which your lovely selves have suggested to me by your own fair hand! Hands? Hand? I’m too hungover for grammar today, sorry. Until tomorrow, Dear Readers – think big and write down your plans on the first page of a nice new notebook!