Grrrrr. Flannels.
Grrrr. Check out these babies! Straight from Scary Spice’s boudoir, they are now gracing my new bathroom. The humble face flannel is one of the best beauty tools you can buy – brilliant for holding over your skin to steam off stubborn eye makeup and open pores – they hold onto heat for longer than a muslin cloth, and they’re slightly softer on your face.
I love these Tiger flannels even more than a usual flannel because they won’t show up horrible mascara stains once they’ve been used a few times – white ones start to look really grubby even if you wash them on a hot wash! The Tiger flannels will hide a multitude of sins, methinks…
Here they are chilling out on top of my new Missoni hand towels. (Let’s not dwell on the Missoni towels, they’re a sore point on the credit card bill. Along with the Missoni bath sheets that cost as much as the actual bath, or something. They are not to be used, I have made that a house rule. They are to be looked-at only.)
The Tiger Flannels are actually called Tigre, and they are from Zara Home. They cost £8.99 for three, which is as extortionate (if not more, come to think of it!) as the Missoni. In for a penny, in for a pound and all that…