Goodnight Ted…

by | Dec 20, 2011

british shorthair

So sorry to tell you that little Ted was put to sleep yesterday. If you follow on Twitter you probably already know this, but for those of you who don’t, I promised I’d keep you updated.

So that, (as they say), is that. Poor little Ted – I am waiting on autopsy results, but they think he almost definitely had FIP which is a deadly virus. It wasn’t fair on the poor little mite to keep him going any longer.

Thanks so much for all of your messages, it has been wonderful to have so many people rooting for Ted and hoping that he got better – unfortunately there was absolutely no amount of praying or hoping that would have made any difference… I will keep you updated about that once I know the definite facts and autopsy results.

In the meanwhile, anyone buying a kitten should definitely insist that all vaccinations are up-to-date (Ted’s were), that the breeder is registered or reputable (Ted’s was) and that the facilities are clean, and kittens bright and alert. If I had known all of the things that I know now, from researching online, I wouldn’t have taken Ted home. He wasn’t alert and there was one kitten in the litter that looked decidedly ill. The breeder said he was just ‘full’ after his feed. Somebody send me the Dunce’s hat…


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