best facial self tanners

The Foolproof Suit-All Golden Glow for Face.

Clarins Radiance Plus Golden Glow Booster Review

Clarins Radiance-Plus Golden Glow Booster does all of the right things when it comes to facial tanning: it’s subtle, it’s streak-free and it gives the most gorgeous, believable glow. Perhaps its biggest selling point, though, is the fact that it fits seamlessly into any existing skincare routine; you just add a few drops of the concentrate to your usual face cream or lotion, mix in your palm and apply. With most tanners and gradual tanners, you have to work out where exactly they might fit into your normal product line-up – should you apply after serum? Instead of moisturiser? On top of moisturiser? Then there’s the question of formulation: will the tanning cream be rich enough for your dry skin, or too heavy for your oily skin? How do you know that the tanner won’t give you spots or cause congestion?

None of these questions really apply with the Golden Glow Booster and that, I think, is the absolute beauty of it. It’s totally customisable. Add it to your lightweight gel moisturiser or your supremely heavy night cream; a few drops for the subtlest hint of a sunkissed tan, five or six if you want to see more instant results. There’s no smell, no residue, nothing to rinse off and no chance that your finely-honed beauty routine will be sent off-kilter! It’ a suit-all tanner that doesn’t streak or go patchy, even if you apply it in the dark/after wine/whilst on an aeroplane/all of the above, and it’s also highly portable – perfect for taking on holiday. Though I would start using it a good few days before your hols, just to build up a nice colour. Those stuck at home can just use it every other night to look as though they’ve been on an amazing trip abroad. Apply once for “weekend weeding the garden”, twice for “weekend in Provence”, three times for “week in the Maldives” and four for “gap year in Sydney”. You get the picture.

Clarins Radiance Plus Golden Glow Booster is £18 and you can find it online at John Lewis here and at

My all-time favourite pre-mixed face tanner is the hideously expensive Hydrating Facial Skin Care one from Sisley – you can read about that here – and if you’re looking for a more recent recommendation, take a look at this post on Summer Beauty Essentials.

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