Full-On Hair (no heat required)

Behind-the-Scenes at Rankin's London Studio
Taken with my Hipstamatic iPhone App

Check out the volume in my hair! Can you believe that this was done with no styling appliance whatsoever – not even a hairdryer?

Stylist Jonathan Connelly (see his work here) achieved this look by dampening my dry hair very slightly and adding quite a copious amount of Aveda’s now discontinued Sap Moss Conditioning Detangler (you could use another leave-in conditioner spray, such as Schwarzkopf’s Bonacure). He (and his lovely assistant) then spent ages – and I mean ages, massaging the roots of my hair, scrunching the lengths, twisting strands, and repeating the process over and over again until it was dry.

It was completely straight when they started, and by the time they had finished, it had actually formed proper curls! How’s that for a styling tip; not only does it not damage your hair, you get a two-hour-long head massage thrown in!

To recreate at home, Jonathan says that patience is key; it’s not a technique that can be rushed. What you can do to save your arms from falling off (because let’s face it, who is going to sit there scrunching their own hair for that long?) is wait until your hair is almost dry and divide your hair into two sections. Twist the sections around on themselves until they form ‘buns’ but leave out the bottom few inches so that you don’t get those tiny spirally curls. Fix with a large pin, and allow the hair to dry completely. You’ll have great texture when you release the twists, and you can continue tweaking from there, with much less work!

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