Friday Flash Review: Cor Silver Soap
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Since the last Friday Flash Review, I mean. I don’t know what happened, really – I just lost momentum with the whole ‘first person present tense continuous stream of consciousness’ thing that it required. But here we are, on a Friday, with a Flash Review, so I think we can safely say that it’s back. Yes, Friday’s are once again the day for ridiculous statements, wandering thoughts and nonsensical asides.
You can switch your brains off round about…….now.
“COR! Cor blimey! That’s an expensive soap! You wouldn’t want to drop it in the bath, that’s for sure. £100 for 120g, or £30 for 35g, or £15 for 10g. If you wanted to pay a ‘normal, soap-appropriate’ price, you’d end up with approximately half a sliver of Cor. COR! Sorry. I will stop making COR! noises quite shortly – it’s just so much fun. Now I know what it’s like to be a scaffolder or a roofer – CORRRRR!
The soap. Ah, yes – here are some facts and figures, taken from Blissworld’s blurb and bastardised, by me, out of all recognition:
1) The soap contains silver (this is the main selling point) which has long been known for its anti-bacterial and healing properties. The ‘nano-silver-silica compound’ is the starting point for all of Cor’s skincare – the silica prepares the skin to ‘accept the ingredients of Cor’. (Accept the ingredients of Cor! is a phrase to be bellowed by a Greek God, with flames leaping up all around him. Obey Cor!)
2) Cor also contains marine Collagen, Sericin and Chitosan to ‘add a youthful appearance’, ‘form a film’ and ‘even out skin tone’, respectively.
3) It also contains soothing Jojoba and Aloe, Hyaluronic Acid (hold moisture to the skin) and Avocado for vitamins.
Now, that all sounds very impressive but I am slightly torn (as usual!) over some of the claims made in the product description. I’m dubious, you see, as to how much an ingredient can do if you are rinsing it off almost immediately. Can all of these bits and bobs (which appear to have been micronized so that the particles are teeny tiny and can perform to the best of their capabilities ‘upon reaching the target layer’) (Houston, this is Apollo Thirteen. We have reached the target layer)) really work enough magic to justify such a huge price tag?
Let’s give it a little test, shall we?
Good lather. I have the 30g ‘travel size’ which is like a little golf ball and it fits into my hands nicely. (I’m guessing that the full size would be more like a tennis ball – I’d be inclined to remove it from the box and use a proper soap dish because this one, to me, spells trouble. There’s no way for air to get beneath the soap so you’d get that melty, soggy bottom, which on a soap as expensive as this is not desirable.)
Lather is massaged over my face, including the eye area (brave, I know – just call me your human guinea pig!) and left on for the recommended two minutes. A little longer, actually. Rinsing is pretty easy (you just splash water in the general direction of your face) and hey-presto – we have a result!
My skin is quite tight – not uncomfortably so, but it definitely is. I get that feeling with many rinse-off cleansers, so it’s nothing shocking, but I was expecting the ‘finish’ to be a little more moisturised, what with the hyaluronic acid ‘n all. My skin is sparkly clean and bright, but I’m not sure, after one use, whether this is a great success story.
Which is why I’m leaving you with a cliffhanger – I don’t believe that you can rate skincare after one use, so I’ll report back with my findings at a slightly later date. In the meantime, I’d like to know the following:
1) Has anyone here tried this soap?
2) How did they get on?”