Freundin Magazine

My latest editorial shoot for Freundin Magazine ( shot by the wonderful Margaretha Olschewski. Hair, makeup and general moral support (it was a long day!) was by Richard Wilkinson who used MAC Fix and Prime to keep everything in place throughout the shoot. We shot on location around Hamburg, which is always a pleasure – but there’s one thing I can never get my head around in Germany. Long words. Check out this option on a menu that I saw outside a bar restaurant: Putengeschnetzeltes in Currysauce im reisrand. Now I know that someone will undoubtedly pipe up and translate that for me, but until then can I just say: WHAT? Unless that translates to ‘a swan stuffed with duck stuffed with a complicated rissole of wild mushrooms and mixed herbs, with a side of currysauce and some rice’ I really don’t see why there needs to be so many letters.

Here are the images from the shoot:

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