"Face of the Day" March 6th, 2011.

ruth crilly a model recommendsA bit of a glowing face for the start of March – this “Face of the Day” is down to skincare more than makeup, I think. Skin is clear thanks to the Liz Earle Deep Cleansing Mask, and the glow is due to the Rodin facial oil. Eye care this week has been courtesy of Caudalie (see review from last week) and rejuvenated hair colour is thanks to Sophia at Kennaland.

Makeup. Here we go: No7 Triple Protection Tinted Moisturiser, £12. Chanel Bronzer (Tan de Chanel) from Summer 2010. Mememe Flawless Concealer (Light), £4.99 from Superdrug. No7 Sensitive Eyes Mascara in ‘Brown/Black’ £11.50. Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in Boy, £22.50.

Sorry about my weird fringe placement; it’s becoming the bane of my life. If only there was just the ‘left hand side bit’ I could just pass it off as a quirky bit of styling, but there’s that pesky bit to the right that just looks like an afterthought. Curse that widow’s peak of mine!

Fringe dilemmas aside, I’m looking forward to spring. Fresh makeup, glowing skin and pretty, youthful colours that will make us all feel about ten years younger. You can see that I have my ‘pop of colour’ (hate that phrase) on here in the form of a T-shirt. That’s about as much effort as I’ll make this spring, sartorially speaking, so it really is up to my skin and makeup to do the talking. Stay tuned.

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