Educogym Diary: Days 11 and 12
DAY 11
Phew! Home run. I can literally smell success just around the corner! Shooting today but I forget to take a “Packed lunch” (block of cheese and a load of nuts) but luckily the team I’m shooting with are lovely and go out of their way to find me an appropriate meal. I have a smoked salmon and poached egg salad with half an avocado procured from the local deli. I’m sure they all think me quite, quite insane but there’s also a decided murmur of interest when I tell them how many excess pounds I dropped in the first seven days (six). My tummy isn’t yet as taut and sculpted as Gisele’s, but I suspect that it never will be. (I suspect, (watch me get sued) that perhaps some parts of some of these uber-models have had a little help from a discreet doctor. Just saying.) My tummy is, however, flat. First time, I reckon, in about eight years. It’s not ’empty’ flat, as in skinny, it just looks – well – nice!
Educogym is booked in for 6.40pm but I finish the shoot early and my schedule changes about so I ring the gym on the off-chance they can fit me in earlier – they squeeze my session in straight away! I do legs and I almost scream with the effort of it all, but as usual I feel amazing once it’s done. Tomorrow will be the true test – last day of the diet yet I can’t really stick to it because I’m off to a wedding. I can’t very well sit and eat an avocado and Zana and I have discussed the wedding issue in advance – just don’t go over the top, she says. I won’t….I won’t….
DAY 12
Three sausages in honey and mustard
Four mini quiche canapés
Three glasses of champagne
Eight blocks of melon with parma ham on sticks
Two glasses of Prosecco
Roasted ham and beef, beetroot and feta salad, tomato salad, green salad and asparagus, roasted aubergine – all from the wedding feast buffet
Slice of wedding cake, ice cream, raspberries
Cheese and crackers (lots of)
Approximately eighteen-thousand bottles of white wine
OOOPS. In my defence, I didn’t touch the bread basket. Also, I’d like to point out that I got up at 7am so that I could have a special training session at Educogym before driving down to Brighton. That’s dedication for you!
I retire to bed feeling a little disappointed with myself – I didn’t go as over the top as I usually would but still… I must have consumed my own bodyweight in food and drink. But here’s the trick: write it off and start again. It’s the same rule when you’re trying to stick to anything – not smoking, not drinking, diets, exercise, whatever – if there’s a blip, ignore it. Don’t let it ruin your resolve – write it off and start again. If you have a terrible weekend on your diet, that doesn’t mean you give up on your diet, you just resolve to get back on the horse the following day. (That doesn’t give you an excuse to keep falling off the horse whenever you feel like a break, though!)
So, here I am at the end of the twelve days. The plan doesn’t just ‘stop’ – there’s a maintenance diet and continued exercise, it’s now a slower and more sustainable plan long-term. I’ll be writing up the results and giving you hard facts and measurements just as soon as I’m able (I’m off to Greece on a trip!) but for now let me say that the difference to my body is incredible. It’s the kind of change in muscle tone and sculpting that you would expect to achieve over about five or six months. I can lift really quite heavy stacks of weights, I feel absolutely fit, I look so much more svelte and toned. I seriously cannot think of any disadvantages at the moment (apart from the weird low-carb ‘flu’ I suffered for a few days) so I think that the challenge has been successfully completed. My body is just about as ‘Victoria’s Secret’ as it’s ever going to be – unless I grow about three inches taller.
Detailed measurement changes will be with you very, very soon!