a day in my life toddler pregnant

A Day In My Life: Toddler + Heavily Pregnant

a day in my life toddler pregnant

I really enjoy making the Day In My Life videos (so far I’ve done an “at home with baby” one and a “work day” one) and so when I knew I’d be at the Colab studio shoot last week I thought that it would be a perfect opportunity to film another. It was quite likely that the shoot would be my last proper work day away from home (I’m 37.5 weeks pregnant now, so booking anything else in is a bit too risky!) and I also wanted to record some of my feelings about what it’s like to be pregnant and have an energetic toddler to run around after.

I hope that you enjoy it – if you’re at all interested in my “behind the scenes” life and wish to have a nose then this one is most definitely for you! Equally, if you fancy reading about my pregnancy, Angelica’s little development updates or general posts about Mum and baby stuff then take a look at my other website, The Uphill.

Right: cup of tea and biscuit at the ready? Settle back, click play, try not to let the music lull you to sleep…

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