The Crilly Style!

I am so proud of my big brother and little sister that I could just BURST! Big brother Dan has his work in an exhibition this week at Birmingham’s Custard Factory –  I’ll be going on Saturday, I can’t wait! Some of Dan’s paintings are reproduced on the flier below:

Daniel Crilly Art

Little sister Kate, aka Crilly Style, is keeping me amused on an almost daily basis with the photographs she is adding to her blog. Really she should be concentrating on her final month at fashion college and not clart-arsing about with her camera (she’ll kill me for saying that, haha!) but I am grateful for her little pearls of inspiration. You can see Kate’s blog HERE!

Small extract for you that made me cry laughing:

kate crilly

“I recently became a short person so I really feel a connection with this terrapin. I always thought i was tall and it still smells like some kind of conspiracy that all my friends and family and height charts are in on. We recently started a height chart in out kitchen and I am at the bottom apart from my friends dog.”


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