My Cardiff Hair Soirée – Join Me!
For those who missed the December Favourites video: I have a new product launching into the Colab Dry Shampoo Range called Extreme Volume. You may have seen it creeping into stores this week and it’ll be online very soon indeed. The feedback on the original Sheer & Invisible formula has been absolutely incredible and I can’t thank you all enough for your support, those who have sent great feedback and who have blogged or tweeted about it have honestly made my day, every time.
The Sheer & Invisible dry shampoo has become one of my staple beauty products – I use it liberally in between hair-washes to give my roots a bit of a revamp. But the new Extreme Volume has even more of a root-boosting effect; it’s a souped-up version that adds volume and texture and it reminds me a lot of those styling “root boost” powders that you can buy. Except that you don’t have to shake it all over your head like a weird dandruff snowstorm – just shake the can and spray it on. It has a little bit of residue, unlike the sheer version, but that’s a necessary addition to give that extra bit of oomph. For those who like a more hardcore dry shampoo, this will be right up your alley!
I’ll be doing a full review when the new product goes online, and I’ll make sure that I do a little how-to as well, but today’s post was actually to tell you about the meet-up I’m having in Cardiff to celebrate the Extreme Volume launch. It’ll be on the 22nd January at the Superdrug Beauty Studio store in St David’s Centre and I will be there from 7-9pm. There are thirty pairs of tickets available but they are only being given away through Superdrug’s online competition, so if you’d like to come to my little hair soirée then please do fill in the entry form here. I really enjoy meeting readers – past meet-ups have always been a great success with plenty of chatter (I usually lose my voice the next day) and lots of laughing, and this time there will be canapés and bubbly as well as a Colab Hair Masterclass. It will be a brilliant evening and so if you’re from that neck of the woods, or planning a visit, then please do register for a ticket. It would be lovely to see you.
Entry form for Cardiff Meet-Up