Coco Mademoiselle Purse Spray
Never would I presume to tell you what fragrance to wear; fragrance is such a personal, subjective thing, and one woman’s “floral, powdery” dream is the stuff of another woman’s nightmares. However, when it comes to fragrance packaging, I think that the Coco Mademoiselle Purse Spray is the work of a genius. I have had my Purse Spray for years now, and these are just some of the travelling mishaps that it has survived:
1. A tumble down the escalator in Canary Wharf underground (for those of you who have never been to this particular tube station, it’s a bloody long escalator!)
2. A long-haul journey in a bag that was so squashed when it re-appeared, every single other tube and bottle had broken or burst
3. Being run over by one of those electric carts that ferry you about in expensive hotel resorts
4. Being left on a car dashboard in Arizona, in August (115 degrees)
So, it’s a hardy little thing, this purse spray. It seems to be shock-proof, heat-proof and squash-proof, and as a bonus, it’s also unbelievably chic. I think that it’s a million times more sophisticated and modern than a boring old glass bottle – and it actually works out cheaper per ml than buying the 35ml Eau de Toilette!
Anyway, I’m not telling you all of this to convince you to wear Coco Mademoiselle – as I said before, fragrance is a very personal choice; the point of this little post is that I can’t understand why ALL perfumes wouldn’t have this packaging option? Surely it’s the ultimate in portability and convenience? The mind boggles…
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle “Twist and Spray” Eau de Parfum, £70 for 60ml (one refillable Purse Spray and 3 x 20ml refills)