Clinique SPF35 Targeted Protection Stick

by | Apr 23, 2010

The warm weather looks as though it’s here to stay for a little while longer yet – Londoners can expect temperatures of over twenty degrees this weekend (half the world is saying Huh? So? Big deal). I don’t want to rain on the parade or anything, but can I just say…SPF! SPF! SPF! SPF!

You may remember that I burnt last weekend because my lotion sweated off – my burnt forehead/nose combination has only just stopped flaking and peeling! Well, I said that I would find a product that wouldn’t sweat off, and I have…

Clinique’s SPF35 is sweat-resistant and water-resistant, invisible, suitable for sensitive and fragile skin (including the eye area and lips), easy to apply and reapply…er, have I missed anything?

I have yet to test it in hotter climes, but it did a fine job today as I raced about London like a maniac, sweating and swearing and generally being hot and late for everything. I love the fact that I don’t have to apply it with my fingers (which are usually caked with dust, dirt and newspaper ink within five minutes of leaving the house), and that it will be perfect for when I do photo shoots outside – I can pop it on over make-up, and because it glides on so smoothly, there will never be the worry that I’m going to ruin the finished look.

Clinique’s SPF35 is available from next Saturday, so in the meantime, may I suggest that you enjoy the sunshine but try not to sweat?

£15, widely available from May 1st.


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