Chanel Nº5 Eau Prèmiere Purse Spray

by | Feb 10, 2011

Chanel Nº5 Eau Prèmiere Purse Spray

Sorry to do this to you people, but there’s another Chanel hit this week. I know that many of you have a problem with Chanel in that you are compelled beyond all sensibility and reason to buy everything and anything displaying the Double-C logo –  and I feel your plight. I really do. But I’m afraid I simply must tell you about this today, because time until Valentine’s is running out  and you might just want to add this to your wish-list.

The Chanel Nº5 Eau Prèmiere Purse Spray. What a thing of absolute beauty. It could be filled with Evian and I’d still want it – sleek, heavy, smooth, it’s a timeless and unutterably chic accessory for handbag or dressing table. For a full list of the virtues of the Chanel Purse Spray, please read this post on my beloved Coco Mademoiselle version. If you don’t need any more convincing on the whole purse spray issue, we can move on to fragrance.

If you hate Chanel Nº5, which I kind of do, then you might surprise yourself by loving Eau Prèmiere, which I did. It still smells kind of like Chanel Nº5, but it’s just less stuffy and overpowering. To me, wearing Nº5 is like being suffocated between the breasts of a plump Parisian madam, which obviously has happened to me loads. Eau Prèmiere, on the other hand, is lighter and younger and fresher. Like a scented breeze drifting up the Rue Cambon. Equally, if you love Chanel Nº5, you’ll also love this. Perhaps you’ll love it even more.

I have the Eau Prèmiere Purse Spray right in front of me. It’s like an architect’s mini-model of a new Dubai skyscraper hotel, rising out of the rubble and debris of my desk. (Christ, that’s a bit poetic!) I simply can’t stop looking at it – ’tis a thing of beauty. A rare treasured possession along with my Macbook Air and my Burberry cashmere trench. Design classics.

Chanel’s Eau Prèmiere Purse Spray 20ml comes with two additional 20ml refills and costs £74 from Selfridges. To see it in real life, in action, take a look at my Valentine’s Gift Guide HERE.


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