dexter the cockapoo

Celebrities who have hair like my Dog: Part 5

dexter the cockapoo

Above: Dexter the Cockapoo. He of ridiculous hair and a penchant for rolling in the faeces of various species. (Poet and didn’t know it.) Below:

richard branson has hair like my dog

Yeah! Richard Branson! He of floppy blonde locks and global domination! Just when he thought that he had ticked off all of the goals on his personal “to-do” list, he goes and achieves one that he never even knew he was hankering after. Hair like Dexter the Dog. Whatta guy. I wonder whether he’d let Dexter fly for free on his airline, them being Barnet Buddies and all? Not that Dexter particularly needs to travel; he has all of the goose poo and dead worms he could possibly want, right here in good old Blighty. 

I need more and more suggestions, please – I’m starting to find it quite difficult to find Celebrities who have hair like my Dog now that I’ve polished off the classics. Meg Ryan, Boris, Rod Stewart; all of those were perfect. Richard Branson could actually be the most perfect yet, in terms of hair accuracy.. But though some of the suggestions are good in theory, Google Images refuses to yield any quality hair shots. It’s making life very difficult for me, I tell you. Help me out here, people, help me out…

To see all of the other Celebrities who have hair like my Dog, please click here

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