Celebrities who have hair like my Dog: Part 3
Ah, another instalment of Celebrities who have hair like my dog. What more could you ask for on a Saturday morning? What more? This week I’ve gone for one of the more popular suggestions and it’s possibly the most obvious too – in fact it was this particular celebrity hair comparison that triggered off the whole idea for this unique, laugh-til-you-cry weekly feature. Yes, Ladies and Gentleman, it’s Rod Stewart. He of the decidedly dodgy hair and never-diminishing libido.
He, also, of the blonde wife, Penny Lancaster.
Dexter and I decided to do a little Penny & Rod re-enactment, for your benefit (we are the top ones):
Keep the suggestions coming, please, I do find them incredibly amusing. If you want to take a look at the other Celebrities who have hair like my Dog then please click here.