ruth crilly fashion model winter coat
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Buying a Winter Coat? Read this First…

And here it is; the Fluffy Coat and Faux Fur lookbook. Do not buy a winter coat until you’ve seen these beauties; they’re warm, comfortable and totally on-trend (if you bother with that kind of thing!) and work equally well worn casually as they do thrown over something smart. I’ve already told you about the Unreal Fur coats (see…

ruth crilly model oasis spotted shirt blouse
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Mad Pets, Lots of Shoes and my Oasis Spotty Blouse.

I think that this spotted blouse from Oasis is probably one of the best things I’ll buy this spring. (I know it’s not actually spring yet, but fashion works in mysterious (stupid) ways, forcing us to buy bikinis when it’s snowing and so on and so forth.) But anyway, the blouse; it’s just gorgeous. The…

burberry ss 14 live streaming

Watch the Burberry Show LIVE on this page!

You can watch the Spring Summer 2014 Burberry show live from this page today. It starts at 2.30pm sharp – don’t be late! Burberry is one of my favourite catwalk shows – it’s so polished, so polished, and I usually want just about everything that comes down the runway. That’s quite unusual for me – with many…

packing for fashion shoot
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Packing for Palm Springs

I’m about to start my run of Palm Springs Vlogs – behind-the-scenes videos from the fashion shoots that I’ve been doing out here. Everything is (necessarily) quite a few days behind “real time” (have to edit and upload and the internet’s not so fast here!) so a few of them might start popping up once I’m back…

A Model Recommends Fashion Style Video
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Some Wardrobe Essentials: My Fashion Accessories

This video is about my wardrobe essentials – coats, shoes, jewellery and good jeans. If you’ve followed me for a while then you’ve probably seen a lot of these things before, but I thought that it might be useful to recap on my favourite, most-used things. I’m going to be doing a huge wardrobe clearout…

Street Style Steal: Ruth Crilly and Daily Mix TV

Street Style Steal: Ruth Crilly and Daily Mix TV

I wanted to embed the first Street Style Steal episode on here for you to see, just in case you’re Youtube-adverse! Nothing wrong with that, by the way – I often get a headache just looking at the Youtube homepage with its hundreds of videos of dogs in sunglasses and men jumping off high cliffs. But everything…