My Top 5 Most-Used Foundations

My Top 5 Most-Used Foundations

I've used the term "foundation" loosely, here, because I mean it to incorporate other face bases such as tinted moisturiser, BB creams and complexion enhancers as well as the traditional high-coverage foundation. In truth, no BB creams or CC creams come anywhere near...

Sheer and Natural Everyday Makeup

Sheer and Natural Everyday Makeup

A very sheer and natural makeup look for you in this video - dewy textures, glowy formulas and a healthy, youthful sort of finish. Those thinking of investing in either the Hourglass Illume Trio or Becca's Aqua Luminous foundation might find it particularly...

Easy Festival Makeup and The Quickest Smokey Eye

Easy Festival Makeup and The Quickest Smokey Eye

I've been a bit out of sorts for the past few days, so apologies for the lack of post yesterday, I know how many of you look forward to the Sunday Tittle Tattle! I'll be back into the swing of things shortly, but for now here's the latest video - a very quick and easy...

Get Ready With Me: Jimmy Choo Dinner

Get Ready With Me: Jimmy Choo Dinner

I had a (mostly) baby-free afternoon last week and so I thought I'd film myself getting ready for a Jimmy Choo 20th Anniversary dinner that I was attending. This sort of video is widely known as - rather unimaginatively, but we'll let that pass - a Get Ready With Me...

Summer Makeup and Miscellaneous Ramblings

Summer Makeup and Miscellaneous Ramblings

Filming in my new office is not going well. Not at all. I can't really talk to Mr AMR about this as when the office was being designed (it's newly built and at the bottom of the garden) he asked me a million questions about whether such and such wall dimensions or...

The (Affordable) No Foundation Makeup Look

The (Affordable) No Foundation Makeup Look

I think that this has to be the most random video I've ever filmed. I just switched the camera on and waffled away and it was only because the eyeshadow palette I tested was so good that I added a proper intro to the start of the video and decided to make a go of...

New Way to Wear: Red Lipstick

New Way to Wear: Red Lipstick

A combination of raging PMT and the four day Easter break has rendered me completely useless in the writing department; I've tried to draft this post seven times, now, and each version has been virtually incomprehensible. So I'll keep it short and sweet. I'm doing a...

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Going Back to Basics

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Going Back to Basics

I have a new series of beauty videos running at The Telegraph; the Beauty Basics. They take some of the makeup tasks we tend to take for granted - applying mascara, grooming brows - and very simply describe how to do them. Great if you're totally new to beauty and...

Glowing Makeup for my Tired Face…

Glowing Makeup for my Tired Face…

The baby has started sleeping through the night. Hurrah, you might think, but no: I have developed, for the very first time in my life, a kind of strange almost-insomnia that sees me spend much of the night in quasi-dream-mode and the rest of it listening out for the...

The Makeup Artist Brow Tutorial…

The Makeup Artist Brow Tutorial…

I asked top makeup artist Caroline Barnes (you all know Caroline by now - if you don't then click back to our previous videos first) to sort out my brows. Pluck them, shape them, lift them and then, after the "sorting", do something a little more dramatic. Good...

Makeup How-To: Subtle Daylight Contouring

Makeup How-To: Subtle Daylight Contouring

If there's one makeup trend that has completely divided us beauty-obsessed people it's the trend for drawing brown stripes on our faces and then rubbing them in as though we're trying to remove stubborn patches of dirt. AKA "contouring". One of the problems with this...

My Top Five Affordable Makeup Finds for Glowing Skin

My Top Five Affordable Makeup Finds for Glowing Skin

I filmed this video before I discovered the Soap & Glory Glow All Out stick, which is very annoying, because it definitely would have been included. Especially as the Topshop one I show is no longer available. Also (multiple errors alert!) the Rosie for...


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