I once stood in a field in a £2000 gown, and in the final shot I looked like the most glamorous woman in the world – but my feet were toasty and warm in my UGGs!
I once stood in a field in a £2000 gown, and in the final shot I looked like the most glamorous woman in the world – but my feet were toasty and warm in my UGGs!
I have been keeping this beside the bed and applying it religiously for about a month.
Apparently I looked like Dracula waking from a hundred year sleep, leering at the camera as though it was my next victim.
The De-maq’ concentrate blitzed that lot off my face so easily, it was like one of those adverts for kitchen cleaners!
It doesn’t cope well with crying, but then what concealer would?
I’m not talking about a mug of milk with cocoa in it, I’m talking Costa’s tall glass of sugary nectar topped with whipped cream and four marshmallows.
I haven’t tried them, but in the name of research, I shall. That’s if the CEOs of the multi-billion-dollar whitening toothpaste industry haven’t had me bumped off..
Entirely gross in concept, entirely brilliant in delivery.
Yes, I know that this looks like something that you would use to comb fleas out from a Chihuahua’s coat, but despite this – and the fact that I am virtually allergic to jazzy misspellings like ‘Teezer’ – it is my recommendation of the week.
The oil in this cleanser melts make-up away, and the liquid freshens up.
Olay Complete Care Everyday Sunshine promised a light sun-kissed glow, and a light sun-kissed glow it gave.
The ultimate non-scary, non-attention-catching lip-colour for fellow lip-o-phobes.
My lips felt amazing all the way home – even after a delayed flight and the beauty nightmare that is an Easyjet cabin
When I work in Paris, I always stock up on Embryolisse’s Lait-Creme Concentre, which is one of the best, most versatile moisturisers that I have ever found.
This photo is from my latest shoot, which was, as you may have guessed, inspired by Alice’s wonderland!
It’s a brilliantly versatile product that saves you having to buy a separate highlighter, radiance-boosting moisturiser, ‘dewy’-look foundation and illuminating body lotion.
Keep lips fairly natural to avoid looking as though you’ve just auditioned for a Robert Palmer video.
Sorry if I sound overexcited about this, but it really has to be tried to be believed.