The Reluctant Co-Sleeper

Having reached the absolute pinnacle of exhaustion (Peak Exhaustion? P.E.?), I find myself now sharing my bed with the baby in an attempt to get some sort of rest. Never for the whole night, but sometimes for about half of it and always for the period between around...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Eight Month Update

I expect you've realised that things are a bit crazy at the moment; I have barely had the time to go online at all, let alone write anything, and when I do get a spare minute to myself I am so knackered that I can't type a coherent sentence! So I'll keep this brief...

Breastfeeding: Why I’m Thinking of Giving Up

I'm thinking of giving up breastfeeding. And I know that the phrase "giving up" sounds both defeatist and perhaps a little overly-dramatic, but I do feel defeated and it does feel quite dramatic. The truth is, I'm rather at the end of my tether with everything at the...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Seven Month Update

It has been a rather stressful month - perhaps one of the most stressful of my life, when I come to think of it. Though - thankfully - it's more administrative stress than anything unsolvable. I always think that health is the biggest priority, and we are all of us...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Six Month Update

Wah - six whole months! The time is flying by far too fast. I keep finding myself getting very weepy every time Ted the baby does something remotely non-newborn-ish, like, er, growing a tooth. I don't know whether it's a hormonal thing, designed to keep us...

The Bedtime Routine with My 1st Years | AD

I'm a total sucker for a bit of personalisation; whether it's a suitcase with a fancy monogram or gold initials embossed on the front of a dainty little notebook, things just feel that much more special when they've got your name on them. (Disclaimer: I don't actually...

Expressing Breast Milk: I’m Back for Another Round

Just a little life update that I know you'll find absolutely riveting: I'm back on the old "breastmilk expressing" regime. Which means that the (approximately) one spare hour that I get every day (between 9pm and 10pm) is spent connected to a wheezing, vibrating...

Favourite Pregnancy Things: Single and Twin Pregnancies

I've been filming some videos with the very lovely (and highly amusing) Poppy Dinsey from Poppy is pregnant with twins and so we thought we'd start off with our favourite pregnancy products to see how they differed. Mine (single pregnancy) are very much...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Five Month Update

This is the very first time in just over two years that I've very nearly missed posting my baby update on the proper day. It used to be on the 17th of every month, now it's on the 3rd (Ted was born on the 3rd February and it made more sense - at the time - to swap to...

A Day In The Life: Four Month Old Baby and Nearly-Two Toddler

The title of this video is totally self-explanatory; there's really not much I can add. It's another Day In The Life video, filmed a few weeks ago, and I think I look as though I'm slightly more on top of things than in the last one! (You can watch the previous Day In...

Surviving Two Under Two

I have officially survived having "two under two". For new readers, I had a new baby (Ted) nineteen months after having my first baby (Angelica) and so, for the past few months, (five to be exact), I've had two children under the age of two. I didn't even know that...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Four Month Update

Well, we're almost at the point where I'm saying goodbye to "two under two" - Angelica is two in two weeks' time. All the twos. It has been difficult at times, having a toddler and a newborn, though not quite as bad as I had anxiously thought it might be. But I have...